Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-04-20 House Journal

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2006-04-20                     House Journal                      Page 3232
HB 377                                                                                            
The following, which was advanced to third reading from the April 19,                               
2006, calendar (page 3204), was read the third time:                                                
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 377(L&C)                                                                  
    "An Act relating to an exemption from certain registration and                                  
    practice requirements for persons preparing drawings or                                         
    specifications related to the construction of certain buildings and                             
    the grounds of the buildings."                                                                  
Representative Kerttula moved and asked unanimous consent that                                      
CSHB 377(L&C) be returned to second reading for the specific                                        
purpose of considering Amendment No. 1.  There being no objection,                                  
it was so ordered.                                                                                  
Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representative Kerttula:                                             
Page 2, line 22, following "building":                                                          
 Insert ", if the building complies with any applicable building                                
or residential code adopted by a municipality where the building is                             
Representative Kerttula moved and asked unanimous consent that                                      
Amendment No. 1 be adopted.  There being no objection, it was so                                    
Representative Croft moved and asked unanimous consent that he be                                   
allowed to abstain from voting because of a conflict of interest.                                   
Objection was heard, and Representative Croft was required to vote.                                 

2006-04-20                     House Journal                      Page 3233
The question being:  "Shall CSHB 377(L&C) am pass the House?"                                       
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                       
CSHB 377(L&C) am                                                                                    
Third Reading                                                                                       
Final Passage                                                                                       
YEAS:  40   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Anderson, Berkowitz, Chenault, Cissna, Coghill, Crawford,                                    
Croft, Dahlstrom, Elkins, Foster, Gara, Gardner, Gatto, Gruenberg,                                  
Guttenberg, Harris, Hawker, Holm, Joule, Kapsner, Kelly, Kerttula,                                  
Kohring, Kott, LeDoux, Lynn, McGuire, Meyer, Moses, Neuman,                                         
Olson, Ramras, Rokeberg, Salmon, Samuels, Seaton, Stoltze, Thomas,                                  
Weyhrauch, Wilson                                                                                   
And so, CSHB 377(L&C) am passed the House and was referred to                                       
the Chief Clerk for engrossment.